EC on The Backyard, 1999.

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EC on The Backyard, 1999.

Post by martinfoyle »

Interesting interview from 1999.
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Post by SweetPear »

Great interview, I enjoyed reading it very much. Elvis sounded very happy and just like a regular, normal guy. It was neat.

He was asked about a couple of things that have been flying around through several threads on this board...the GAP deal in particular. And about the existence of, well, forums like this one!

The question was:
Talking about intense fandom, there was this magazine that is still released, it used to come out of San Antonio, Beyond Belief, that’s devoted to your work. How do you feel about that magazine?

A:" I have a very -- I don’t endorse it in any way. I mean, people are entitled to do what they want. I think there is a thin line, you know, between intrusion and genuine interest sometimes. I think when members of my family have been bothered in the past by inquiries…I think a genuine interest, of course, is something I have to be thankful for. I have people come see you year in and year out. I have no problem with that. I don’t personally operate on the world of the Internet so I have no -- I’m told that there’s quite a lot of activity there in that sort of world to do with my stuff. But I really don’t want to express any opinion about it, positive or negative. I really am completely ambivalent about it, you know. "

And this, which is directly related the conversations we've been having about the GAP commercials. He was asked about some bootlegs that had emerged from his sessions w/Macca:

A: "I have, yes. I’m sort of, you know, honestly dismayed that those things have come out. I have absolutely no idea how they could have emerged. I mean, obviously, it’s very difficult with live broadcasts on radio or even with live concerts to avoid some tapes coming out. And I’m not particularly bothered about them, because they’re usually just like a souvenir. But when it comes to pirating studio stuff, I have a little stronger opinion because I think it should be the right of the creator of the material to decide when and where they’re released. And quite apart from the matter of them being -- you know, the money made from them in criminal hands, you know, because it is pirate work. And I was hoping that Paul, at one stage in the future, might, you know, include a couple of those tracks in some future compilation of his solo work, because I think, quite apart from the reality of it, that they include a couple of his fine performances from recent years. They were done very much off the cuff when we were just recording the songs. But I’m not terribly happy about the way in which they’ve emerged. And although it’s on a very low level, you know, I can’t obviously sanction it. "

I know the Gap deal isn't exactly pirating, but Elvis does give us some insight here as to his feelings about a situation like that.
I'm not angry anymore....
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