Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

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Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by spooky girlfriend »

Did this already get posted? I just didn't remember seeing it - but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. :lol:

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... JaA&refer=

Review by Martin Gayford

June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Celebrity painting should be a new historical art category. It's like outsider art, produced by inspired amateurs outside the dealer and gallery loop -- except this stuff is by famous millionaires, not unknown eccentrics.

Latest in the line is Bob Dylan, whose ``The Drawn Blank Series'' of mixed-media works on paper is going on show at London's Halcyon Gallery.

I've lost count of the number of musicians and singers whose painting has been exhibited in the last decade or so. Paul McCartney, Tony Bennett, David Bowie and Miles Davis all tried their hands.

For those wondering how Dylan shapes up with a brush and paints, the answer is not like a Rolling Stone: his work is a good deal less technically accomplished than Ronnie Wood's pictures, while being considerably easier on the eye. Dylan's not, on the other hand, nearly as good a draftsman as John Lennon, who had an engagingly quirky line.

It seems fairest to compare celebrity artists with each other, rather than with Degas and Goya or even Tracey Emin. Come to think of it, it also seems fair enough for singers and guitarists to audition as artists, since artists have recently spent much energy on turning themselves into celebrities.

Stylistically, Dylan is a late example of a Fauve -- very late indeed, you might say, since the Fauves, or ``wild beasts'' first came to attention at the Paris Salon d'Automne of 1905. Dylan told an interviewer for the London-based Times that it was the Fauves and their predecessors -- Matisse, Derain, Monet, Gauguin -- whose art first had an impact on him.

Red Sky

Dylan has a taste for strong hues, as you might guess from some of his titles (``It's All Over Now, Baby Blue,'' ``Under the Red Sky''). These paintings come in different color-ways. Thus ``Woman in Red Lion Pub'' -- depicting a female figure from behind leaning on, presumably, a bar -- comes in several versions. She wears a yellow dress against a green background, or green dress against a blue background, or pink with a purple backdrop.

The original 92 drawings were done between 1989 and 1992 while Dylan was touring America, as the poet Andrew Motion explains in the catalog. Then, in 2007, Dylan transferred scans of these images onto large sheets of paper and reworked them.

The results are not unpleasant, and -- well -- colorful. The main disadvantage is that Dylan can't draw skillfully. That, of course, is officially not a disadvantage in modern art. Picasso famously remarked that he could draw like Raphael when he was 12, and spent the rest of his life forgetting that skill.

It's best to go through the Raphael stage first. With Dylan you get the impression that the distortions are happening by accident. In ``Woman on a Bed'' the figure's thigh gets wider, not narrower as it approaches her knee. The railway lines in ``Train Tracks'' seem to end in mid-air, which could be dangerous.

So there's lot's of room for improvement. But as Dylan wrote many years ago, ``Someday, everything is gonna be diff'rent/ When I paint my masterpiece.''

``The Drawn Blank Series'' is on show at the Halcyon Gallery, 24 Bruton Street, London W1J 6QQ from June 14. For information, click on http://www.halcyongallery.com or call +44- 207-659-7640.

All the original paintings have been sold privately, with prices not disclosed by the gallery. Limited-edition prints will be on sale starting at 1,000 pounds ($1,957).

(Martin Gayford is a critic for Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own.)

To contact the writer of this review: Martin Gayford in London at martin@cgayford.freeserve.co.uk.
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Re: Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by johnfoyle »

This rare interview with Zimmy tells all about these pictures -

http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ ... 074327.ece

- including this intriguing news -

He has had proposals for two future series of paintings, the first of which would involve having celebrities sit for him. “I could pick the names but don't want to. I'd rather be given a list and have someone else contact the people to find out if they're up for it. So I'm waiting to see who they might be thinking of. I assume it's movers and shakers. You know, inventors, mathematicians, scientists, business people, actors...We'll see.

“But what interests me more is the idea of a collection based on historically romantic figures. Napoleon and Josephine, Dante and Beatrice, Captain John Smith and Pocahontas, Brad and Angelina [here he laughs]... I could use my own imagination for that. It wouldn't have to be the actual people, obviously.” But the latter two might be delighted to sit for him, no? Dylan chuckles at the possibility. “Maybe. Who knows? All I'll say is that I'm intrigued by the basic idea. Whether or not it comes to fruition, time will tell. This [The Drawn Blank Series] was easy to do because it didn't clash with any other commitments. If something does, then I simply cannot do it.”
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Re: Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Can't say I'll be hurrying to the gallery, from what I've seen, I'd rather hold back and await the next installment of Chronicles (which is on the way, the interview indicates). Another Bootleg release on the way too:

'Later this year he will release a further volume within the ongoing Bob Dylan Bootleg Series, featuring previously unreleased or rare material alongside alternative versions of existing tracks recorded between 1989 and 2006.'
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Re: Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by bambooneedle »

New York, NY 10022, USA. [131] pp., ill. (B&W), some pp. tinted, 210x258 mm format, ISBN 0-679-41788-5 (hardbound), US$30.00, Can$42.95 (phone: 1-800-733-3000).
There is no printed text in the book other than the title page, its verso, and the foreword (see below). Incidentally, this is the Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication information:

Dylan, Bob - catalogs

Dylan, Bob - contributions in drawing. I Title
The pages are unnumbered and some are tinted. The dust jacket is in color, but has absolutely no commentary, only notation of the two prices above. COMPLETE TEXT IN BOOK, IN THIS FORMAT (p. [7]):

These drawings are sketches
for paintings that either never were painted,
have yet to be painted (or more likely never will be painted).
They are done mostly by pencil, some by charcoal and spotlight
and a few by pen. Those familiar with the mediums
can easily tell which is which. They were done over a
two- or three-year period from about 1989 to about 1991 or '92
in various locations mainly to relax
and refocus a restless mind. My drawing instructor in high school
lectured and demonstrated continuously to "draw only what you can see"
so that if you were at a loss for words, something could be explained
and even more importantly, not misunderstood.
Rather than fantasize, be real and draw it only if it is in front of you
and if it's not there, put it there and by making the lines connect,
we can vaguely get at something other
than the world we know.

September, 1994

This is an interesting collection of black-and-white "sketches" that are much more sophisticated than the line drawings in Dylan's two lyrics books that were published in 1973 and 1985. Subjects include portraits, nudes, scenics (mainly urban), and some stills (e.g., a bowl of fruit). The sketches are pleasant enough, but like those of most musicians who indulge in such (e.g., Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, etc.) I doubt Dylan would have achieved his fame on the basis of his artwork rather than musical artistry. Many of the subjects are routine, though some have an interesting distorted perspective, as the sketch of a staircase and its banister. The book would have been enhanced by commentary, at least for some for the sketches. For instance, who is the Spocklike man depicted on p. [75]. The pages in this slender book are not paginated; there are 131 pages total. Some pages are blank so that the overall number of sketches is somewhat over 100. Various pages are tinted to give a pleasant aspect to the book.

--Rudi Schmid, Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley (schmid@garnet.berkeley.edu)

Otis Westinghouse wrote:Can't say I'll be hurrying to the gallery, from what I've seen
You would if they were done by Bowie. Weren't you tempted to buy the Scarlet Johannsen album because he's on it? :)

I wouldn't go out of my way but I'm sure I'd find it very fascinating up close. I've enjoyed his drawings from Writings And Lyrics and assorted things he's done like the covers of Self-Portrait (below) and Planet Waves.


That's a finished work, an exhibition of those might be more interesting. These are only sketches.
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Re: Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by ReadyToHearTheWorst »

bambooneedle wrote:... an exhibition of those might be more interesting. These are only sketches.
Not so, these are apparently finished versions of earlier sketches, now lost.
http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ ... 122454.ece
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Re: Dylan Gets Colorful, Tries to Paint Masterpiece

Post by bambooneedle »

Whatever they are, I like them. A lot of them, anyway.

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Train Tracks

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