Elvis Costello Fan map

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by anjabro2 »

Hi all,

I used to come here a few years ago and then just sort of faded away, so much so I couldn't remember my password so had to get this Sequel-sounding name...(Anjabro2...He's back..and he's pissed...!) just to get in...

Anyway, the reason I sought this place out again is that I used to have a lovely sunrise photo that I took at my old house, and I've lost it, then I remembered I'd used it as my profile pic on an Elvis Costello Map of fans around the world, you know the kind of thing, where you put a pin in the map and tag yourself...Does anyone remember it, and more importantly, know where it is...?

Hi to anyone who remembers me...I may have drifted away from this place, but EC has always been a constant with me...

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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by A rope leash »

Hey anjabro, I remember you. I don't remember anything about a fan's map, though.

I'm probably not the guy you want to remember you, but whatever. I can't imagine this post getting seventy hits and no one responding...but that's sort of how it is around here now. Most of the regulars only seem to come around when they have had a random thought or if they need to check the futbol scores. I only come around when I'm thinking about killing myself.

It's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm planning one getting even drunker than I am now. Maybe I'll get an early start on pissing people off.

I've noticed that since last night my Tin Pan Alley thread has gotten more than fifty hits. I'd like to think it's because I posted a story there, but more likely people tuned in to see if Otis and mood were going to go at it. You see, mood said something about Otis thinking he's all that, and my god...I thought maybe they we're going to kill each other, but...I guess I can dream. She also called me "buster". Unh-huh.

I don't know what happened to a lot of the folks that used to post here. I guess noiseradio and self-made mug got different assignments from their NSA superiors. <0 and pophead still hang out, but whatever happened to pip52? I hope she's okay.

I saw that Mr. Misery made a post this week...which is good...he probably crazier than me but has trouble expressing it. Hey I wish that gal we used to fight over would come back. What was her name? Sweet, and smart. There was this other gal that went off travelling...she still posts here once in a while...O yeah Miss Bueno...no telling where she is now.

Then there's Mr. Average, who must have fallen off the right wing terrace. Still hanging in there with a rabid post now and then, probably ignoring me. Bambooneedle, too, seems to think this is still an important place to show up at. I don't know, though...there was a time when I could really rile 'em up around here...and even though migdd and who shot sam and ice nine and verbal gymnasty are still banging away, I just can't seem to touch them.

A lot of new folks here, too...none of them seem to know a damn thing about Elvis Costello, but they apparently got some sense of his coolness. Hey, MaryAnn Faithful posts here now, so we all are very much in tune with MaryAnn Faithful. You remember her, don't you? She used to hang out with Strawberry Fields.

Okay, here's the big quiz: Under what psuedonym did Jackson Monk orginally post? Hey, remember BB whatshername from the orginal board? Golly!

Well, I got to get back to my G20 protest. See y'all later!
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by pophead2k »

I think Rope is right in that the board has changed a lot over the past couple of years. I know I probably devote more of my online time to Facebook these days, but still enjoy many of the threads here and the fact that it is a clearinghouse for EC info. Most importantly I value my online friendships I've developed here. The great news is that many new and enthusiastic folks have joined over the past year or two and I imagine we'll continue to have more as Elvis' scope of popularity widens.

Welcome back anjabro!
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by mood swung »

wow, I'm clearly gonna have to work on my people skills, because I was just making a little bit of fun out of the distinguished Mr. Westinghouse. Otis, you know I love you, deeply & platonically.

The map - I remember one, yes. We still have the map up there, but no more pictures that I can find anyway - and there were pictures. Probably lost them in the Great Crash/Hostile Takeover thing that destroyed all the avatars a few years ago. Ditto the welcome back, anjabro.
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by oily slick »

i think that faux cosmic little babe that used to lather up all you old men was lapinjolis.
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by MOJO »

Hey - I think that map was created using - MeetUp - http://www.meetup.com You might want to log into this site to see if you can find your picture.

Hey, Rope on a Lesion - You should get help if have thoughts of killing yourself. Seriously, and happy birthday.
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by A rope leash »

Mood, there's nothing wrong with your people skills...it's just me hyping the conflict. You know what I'm about...
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O yeah, Lapinjolis...O yeah...
libra.jpg (32.1 KiB) Viewed 11852 times
Slick of Oil, thou truly cracketh me up!

Remember this person?
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MOJO, why would I need help killing myself?

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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by oily slick »

noiseradio may still be here, ropey. i think maybe he's faithfull.
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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by noiseradio »

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Re: Elvis Costello Fan map

Post by Natasha »

I would like to see that map. I'm gonna look for it.
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