How many times have you met Elvis and what have you asked ?

Pretty self-explanatory
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when i was cruel
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How many times have you met Elvis and what have you asked ?

Post by when i was cruel »

Just curious with the most hardcore fans ask or have had the opportunity done ?
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by Harry Lime »

I met him once outside the stage door in Pittsburgh during the Imperial Bedroom tour. A star-struck 20-year-old lad, I asked him what the opening line to "Luxembourg" was. This was in the days before lyric sheets and the Internet, so my friends and I had many conversations about that line (and the whole rest of the song, really). He very kindly told me the answer and signed my program.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by monkey2man »

I've been fortunate enough to meet Mr. Costello a few times now. The first time (after a sugarcanes show at the Beacon here in NYC) I was so starstruck I think I just told him how much of a hero he was to me. He was kind in return, signed a few things and went on his way. The second time (this past november after the Greenspace show taping during the NR Promo tour) I was thinking a bit clearer and got to chat with him for a minute or two about the show and gave him a copy of my best friend's band, SPORTS', CD. I told him it was heavily influenced by his early work (which it definitely is) and he seemed excited to give it a listen. and the last time our paths crossed (at the Citigroup Holiday Party in December), after playing a short 7 song solo set, I got to compliment him on the show and ask when we'll get to see the Imposters again, to which he replied "very soon". He wasn't kidding. Hope to get to say hi to him again at one of the many shows i'll be attending this spring. He's a really down to earth, genuine guy.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by wardo68 »

I said, "Keep doing what you're doing. An album a year is all we ask." That was in 2004.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by johnfoyle »

Of the many times I've had brief face time with Elvis after shows - Liverpool (three times), Amsterdam(twice) and London- the most spectacular was after the first Metropole Orkest show in Amsterdam in Sept. '06. As Verbal, Sulky 'n I chatted with him , mainly about why Elvis hadn't done any public shows in the U.K. that year, I chipped in ' When are ya playing Dublin again?'. Elvis didn't even look up from the parphenalia he was signing and half muttered/snarled ' Well that would be when Hell freezes over'. As he said it Steve Nieve appeared out the stage door and some of us wanted to get his scribble and, before we knew it, Elvis had moved on to his car . By then the import of Elvis' words had sunk in and we were going 'He said what?!?!' and were regretting we hadn't had presence of mind to ask him about it. Elvis has, of course, since played Dublin but back in '06 it had been a long four years since he had done so.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by jmm »

Met him 3 times

#1 - dinner in Montreal the night before the Hot as a pistol show - just a quick hello, thanks for the music, looking forward to the show tomorrow, isn't this a good place for dinner exchange

#2 - NYC at an Allen Toussaint show at Joe's Pub (EC guested) - isn't AT great, asked him why the hot as a pistol DVD didn't have the whole show, he claimed it was a rights issue and I said "for High Fidelity? you just want me to but the later reissues and I will" - he laughed

#3 - New Orleans Airport after Jazzfest had a wonderful and varied 45 minute talk. I'f I can find the link to account will post

Mrs jmm wife missed #2 above but met him one other time at Spectacle DVD signing so we're even

I guess having proximity to AT is good for my chances to meet EC

The truth is that I avoided meeting EC for years - what would I do with all that music if he was less than I'd imagined. #1 above being random took care of that and he's always been nothing but gracious and engaging - couldn't ask for more!!
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by johnfoyle »

I'f I can find the link to account will post
Here it is (end of this thread) - ... t=Jazzfest
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by sheeptotheslaughter »

I have met him a few times at signings and never found him that friendly.
But the only time I spoke to him at length and it may only have been for a minutes was back in 99 at the Royal Albert Hall. My cousins and I managed to get back stage to the after show party and when Elvis came into the bar, I like a 'teenybopper' just exclaimed 'Elvis' for no reason. He came straight over to me. I think it was one of the first shows he turned the PA off and sang Couldn't call it unexpected with just piano accompanyment and no mike. (if you have seen this it ias one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed at a gig but I'm sure most of you have). I told him that was worth the admission few alone and we chatted for a few minutes though I have no idea what about. The last thing he said was he had to go and speak with his dad. He was decent on that occassion.

I wonder though how I react if I had an obvious fan talking to me.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by Jeremy Dylan »

Just once. Backstage at the Enmore before the October 15 gig. Asked about the origins of his Jazzmaster and if people were yelling out during Sulphur to Sugarcane ('People have been yelling out all kinds of things, and not just in that song. At least in Canberra they were').

I was backstage after the Liverpool show last June, but I didn't talk to him that time.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by History History »

I met Elvis backstage at Southend Cliff's Pavilion in 1982 on the Imperial Bedroom tour. Got his autograph and thanked him for a great show.

Met him again for the Spike lp signing launch at Tower Records,London. I was at the head of the queue and people behind pushed so hard I was forced against the glass entrance door which cracked. When I got to Elvis I told him what had happened and that I hoped the record was worth risking being pushed through glass for! He rubbed my shoulder and said "are you alright?"

I was at a bar in Deptford where I saw a musical based on Squeeze songs and realised I was standing next to the Attractions. Pete accidently spilt some of his beer on me as he turned round and apologised. Accidents Will Happen :lol:
Judge Holden
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by Judge Holden »

Only once and too embarassed to engage in conversation. Waited outside Glasgow Barrowlands in 94 having missed my train home; thanked him, shook his hand and, while raising mine, dropped my Brutal Youth tour tee in a puddle. Shambled off and walked round Glasgow for a few hours till first train back around half six.
Elvis was a gent. It's not something I've had a mind to do before or since (too Chapmanesque) but I don't think I outstayed my welcome.
My pal Mick has a nice tale of unwittingly dancing with Elvis' first wife and gradually becoming aware of hubbie's burning sneer at the edge of the dancefloor - he was/is a big fan but thought it best to melt into the crowd on that occasion.
I've had worse Elvis-related moments if anyone cares to start another thread. Being forced by girlfriend to rush the front of the stalls and shake my ass while every fecker else stayed in seats ranks high. Elvis helped out that night by immediately embarking on 6 fecking ballads in a row - I struggled to forgive him for that.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by sheeptotheslaughter »

[quote="History History"]I met Elvis backstage at Southend Cliff's Pavilion in 1982 on the Imperial Bedroom tour. Got his autograph and thanked him for a great show.

The Cliffs is quite a good place to meet people after a show. I have met Bob Geldof,Debbie Harry (at least I stood next to her before she walked onto a coach but that was good enough for me)The Proclaimers, Jimmy Carr, Clem Burke and a few others I can't remember now.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by sulky lad »

Judge's memory reminds me of VG rushing to the front of the stage at Hammersmith in 2002 or 2005 just as Elvis started playing Deep Dark Truthful Mirror, a song VG and I disagree about as I quite like it. Anyway, as soon as it starts, VG turns around to look at me in the general direction and starts gesticulating to the effect that "He's playing that awful song now !" and oblivious to the fact that, as he's the first one to get up and go to the front, Elvis is staring down wondering if some lunatic Tourette's sufferer has escaped his custodians ( which isn't far from the truth !!) :lol: :lol:
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by krm »

after the show in Hamburg 1994 - Brutal Youth tour, we gathered outside for getting some autographs. After having managed to get Steve, Bruce and Pete to sign the ticket, Elvis was the one to secure. When doing this I mumbled something about "just your autopgraph left and I have the whole bands signatures on one paper". He looked at me and said something like: "I wish it was that easy for me too".
I thought that was quite funny!
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by Top balcony »

A few times and on each occasion I said " great show, could you sign this please?" and each time he replied "glad you liked it, sure thing" . Guess this is the meet and greet call-and-response.
Jeremy Dylan wrote:I was backstage after the Liverpool show last June, but I didn't talk to him that time.
could you tell more? from my seat this was a fantastic show, was that the opinion of the musicians concerned?

Colin Top Balcony
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by Jeremy Dylan »

Top balcony wrote: could you tell more? from my seat this was a fantastic show, was that the opinion of the musicians concerned?

Colin Top Balcony
The show was undoubtedly, and without qualification, the greatest rock concert I've ever been to. And this is after seeing McCartney in Hyde Park the night before.
I spent most of the time catching up with Jim, as I hadn't seen him (save a brief meeting post-concert the previous night) since his last trip down under in 2008, but Dennis and Mike came up and introduced themselves, curious to know how I had requested I Lost You. I had a lovely chat with the two of them. The next day, Jim, Jerry and I went sightseeing around Liverpool, working our way down to the Beatles museum. We ran into Jeff and I was briefly introduced to him before we continued in opposing directions.

They are all exceptionally nice people - most Nashville-based musicians are. Assholes don't last long in studio environments where everyone has to play together in a room at the same time and get arrangements right in the first few takes. And these guys are the best in the world. Jim I've known for nine and a bit years, and he's one of the truest gentlemen alive.
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by hughp »

Judge Holden wrote:Being forced by girlfriend to rush the front of the stalls and shake my ass while every fecker else stayed in seats ranks high. Elvis helped out that night by immediately embarking on 6 fecking ballads in a row
Had a mouthful of coffee when I read that!
Oh well...the keyboard was getting grungy anyway...
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Re: How many times have you met Elvis and what have you aske

Post by invisible Pole »

I met Elvis four times :
1. after the first Royal Albert Hall solo show in May 1989
2. the following day, this time before the RAH show
3. after the RAH in July 1994
4. after the Shepherd's Bush show in July 1996

On each occasion I just thanked Elvis for the shows/songs and/or told him I'd come all the way from Poland to see him (which did surprise him).
Each time I had a photo taken with Elvis (in 1989 taken by Paddy, as far as I recall) and I thought he seemed like a really nice bloke.
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