I`m heading North.....

Pretty self-explanatory
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I`m heading North.....

Post by johnfoyle »

....to Glasgow for Elvis in concert there tomorrow , Tues.Oct.7th.

After the debacle of my trip to London to try and get into the Sold On Song recording I`ve taken the rather elementary precaution of actually getting a ticket ( Block C- `by the stage` said the box office). I will , of course , share my impressions of the show here.

Choice of jacket for my short two day trip to Scotland will be important. The last time I was there - in August 2000 - I got a glare from a man standing in the door of a pub. Since it was raining he noticed my green, waxed-cotton coat. He slurped his pint, lowered it and shouted `Fenian Bastard!` at me. Needless to say I chose not to debate the matter with him and moved on rapidly.

My cheapo Ryanair flight goes into Prestwick Airport - so I`ll get to see the site of the only U.K. visit by the other Elvis , in March 1960 (see

http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/elvis/st ... 83,00.html)
Last edited by johnfoyle on Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by firebetty »

safe journeying johnfoyle.
and think of elvis and try a sneer with rapid moving on next time. before you get lost in the crowd before the bastard can find you.
have mucho fun.
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Post by Misha »

Be safe John....Lord knows what we would do without your conduit of information!

Enjoy! And report back!
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Post by johnfoyle »

I`m in Glasgow , concert ticket in sweaty hand. Nice poster of Elvis - mostly North cover - by hall entrance . Two big trucks and a bus nearby - surely not all that for just Elvis `n Steve? Just time now - 6.55 PM - to eat something and then back to the show. Alas this `24 hour ` `net cafe the hotel told me about has revised it`s hours , closing at 10PM. So , unless I find somewhere else nearby , you`ll have to wait `til tomorrow for my account of the show.

Not too cold here - winter IS here though , at least in comparison to the long summer we`ve just had in Dublin. So very appropriate to North..............
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

If it's as windy up there as it is down here I hope none of you get blown into the Clyde, including Elv n Ste. We're patiently awaiting all your accounts (and a setlist if it's not too much trouble). :D
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