Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Pretty self-explanatory
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Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Post by FAVEHOUR »

This was one of the bumpers on Saturday Night Live a couple weeks ago. Tribute to EC?
justin_timberlake_snl_march13_001.jpg (18.17 KiB) Viewed 7634 times
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Re: Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Post by seanpointblank »

Definitely an homage to EC, just don't know if it's by Timberlake or the photographer or someone else!
Poor Deportee
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Re: Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Post by Poor Deportee »

Puzzling in as much as the musical or even cultural connections between EC and Timberlake appear to be, well, less than zero.

The media hoohaw over David Bowie, based on the unexpected release of his new record, really underscores the differences between pop music in its heyday and now. While there was always plenty of tripe and bubblegum out there, the leading edge of mainstream popular music used to be driven by figures who compelled both as artists and as personae: Dylan, The Beatles, Stones, Bowie, EC, etc.. The last of this proud lineage seems to me to have been Kurt Cobain...whereas people like Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga - the most recent recipients of the kind of breathless coverage that the aforementioned used to receive - are both uninteresting in themselves and musically insipid. Blech.
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Lester Burnham
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Re: Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Post by Lester Burnham »

While music certainly resonates differently with everyone, as it should, I find Gaga and Timberlake to be the most talented of the bunch of generic pop stars out there. Timberlake is certainly a renaissance man, and his music is infectious. He has a great sense of humor about himself and has come a long way from the boy band tripe he was a part of at the tail end of the 20th century.

Gaga, meanwhile, is insanely talented; she's done stripped-down piano versions of her songs in concert which really expose the songs for what they are, but the studio releases are over-the-top and catchy. Not to mention Gaga's LGBT-friendly attitude; her current tour (before it was canceled due to injury) was meant to have trailers where kids and adults suffering from anxiety and depression could find counseling and socialize without judgment.

I don't mean to imply you're wrong about your opinion; in fact, years ago, I might have agreed with you, but having a better half who loves these two musicians especially, and being exposed (initially against my will, but as time went on not as much) to their music, I can see they're definitely musicians/artists (yes, artists!) of extreme merit and will be around for a long time.
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Re: Homage to EC by Timberlake?

Post by MOJO »

It's the glasses.. Everyone is wearing those kind of glasses now and it's really getting on my nerves. The nerd thing is big these days, I guess. Some girl in my office wears them. She is working with two brain cells. I want to take them off her face and step on them. Sunshine and lollipops. Friendly kind of Monday, eh?
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